Copper Supplements

Copper is an important mineral for the body which we store in our muscles and bones. Our liver regulates how much copper we have in our bodies. Copper is found in organ meat, seafood, grains, nuts and seeds, as well as cocoa. Copper deficiency can cause anaemia, fatigue and weakness, because copper helps us absorb iron from our gut. Keep your copper levels in check with our range of copper supplements.

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All you need to know about Copper

What are the benefits of copper?

If a person has copper anaemia as a result of a copper deficiency, copper supplements may be prescribed to maintain healthy levels of copper in the body. It has been suggested that copper can be used to treat weak bones and osteoporosis, as well as Alzheimer's disease, stomach issues and diarrhoea in infants. Speak to your GP if you are not getting enough copper and struggle with bone weakness and muscular problems.

How much copper should I be taking?

10mg per day is considered to be a safe amount of copper to take per day. If taken in large amounts, copper can be dangerous. You should only follow the dosage on the bottle or that as prescribed by your GP. In extreme cases, excess copper in the body can cause kidney failure. Copper overdose symptoms include nausea and vomiting, blood in the stools, stomach cramps, low blood pressure and heart/circulation problems.

What are the symptoms are copper deficiency?

Common signs of copper deficiency include fatigue and tiredness, feeling sick and nauseous, weak and brittle bones, problems with memory and focus, problems walking, pale skin and sensitivity to cold temperatures, vision loss and greying or thinning hair.

Which foods are high in copper?

You should get all the copper you need from your diet by eating fish, shellfish, nuts and seeds, organ meats such as liver, bran cereal, wheat, whole grains and cocoa. If you are not getting enough copper in your diet, a copper supplement may be a good solution.

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