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Horopito Inspired Wellness

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The story begins with research into the bio-active properties of an indigenous herb. Horopito, Pseudowintera colorata, is a 65-million-year old-herb, endemic to New Zealand. It is commonly known as pepper tree and is an ancient & medicinal shrub used in Rongoā, a traditional Māori healing system.

Horopito has intelligently adapted to thrive in the damp, dark conditions of the rainforest by building up natural chemical defenses to protect against attacking pathogens and microbes e.g. fungi. The active compound, polygodial, is extracted for Kolorex products.

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All you need to know about Kolorex

What is Kolorex used for? 

Kolorex is principally used to support healthy gut and vaginal flora by managing Candida overgrowth and balancing yeast levels in the body. It contains extracts from the New Zealand Horopito plant, which is known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Kolorex is often used for:

  • Supporting gut health by controlling Candida levels.
  • Promoting vaginal health, particularly in cases of yeast infections.
  • Maintaining healthy skin and digestive function.

It's commonly available in formulations like capsules and creams to address both internal and external issues related to fungal imbalances.

How long does it take for Kolorex to work? 

The time it takes for Kolorex to work can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the condition being addressed. Typically, users may start to see improvements within 2 to 4 weeks of consistent use, especially when dealing with mild Candida overgrowth or fungal issues. For more persistent or severe cases, it may take longer, and results can continue to improve over several months with ongoing use.

It’s recommended to follow the product's usage instructions closely and to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to support the body’s natural healing process. You may also find that combining an external product (e.g. the body wash) with an internal product like the supplement will speed up the rate at which you experience improvements. 

Is Kolorex an antifungal? 

Yes, Kolorex is considered an antifungal due to its key ingredient, the New Zealand Horopito plant extract (Pseudowintera colorata). This plant has natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties, making it effective for addressing fungal imbalances, particularly Candida overgrowth. Kolorex is often used to manage conditions like thrush, yeast infections, and skin issues related to fungal infections. Its antifungal action helps restore balance in the body by controlling the growth of harmful yeast and fungi.

Can men take Kolorex? 

Yes, men can take Kolorex. Although it is often marketed for supporting vaginal health, particularly in women dealing with yeast infections, its antifungal and antimicrobial properties make it beneficial for anyone experiencing fungal imbalances, including men. Men can use Kolorex to help manage issues like Candida overgrowth, digestive imbalances, skin fungal infections, and overall gut health. It’s suitable for both men and women seeking natural support for fungal-related concerns.

The topical products (e.g. body wash and cream) can also be used for issues men experience like jock itch.