Black Seed Oil: Benefits (Videos)
By Panasha Desai, Pharmacist
Black seed oil, sometimes known as the 'Blessed Black Seed' or black cumin seed oil, has been used medically for centuries. It's been up and coming in health and beauty for a few years but really made waves in 2020 as an exciting, notable product. With its raised profile, people are looking in more detail at black seed oil's benefits and uses.
Here, we present a set of videos which look at the benefits of black seed oil. Some feature personal experiences and others take a scientific look with health professionals examining the nutritional components of black seed oil.
An Overview Of Black Seed Oil & Its Benefits
In a concise, 9-minute video, popular YouTuber Tish Wonders covers the basics of black seed oil along with her personal experiences of it. This includes certain benefits she has noticed, such as improvement in sleep quality and relief from joint pain.
How To Use Black Seed Oil + Benefits – Tish Wonders
Black Seed Oil Benefits For Skin
Ethical supplements brand Viridian share the benefits of black seed oil when applied topically (to the surface of the skin). These include the benefits of black seed oil for acne, eczema and vitiligo, among other skin conditions. They also share more on the science behind this in their post on black seed oil.
Five Health Benefits of Applying Black Seed Oil Externally – Viridian Nutrition
Black Seed Oil For Hair Growth
YouTube channel Discovering Natural shares some tips for using black seed oil in your hair, specifically for hair growth and scalp health. This video includes personal advice and experiences of the benefits of black seed oil for hair, as well as techniques you may want to try.
How to Use Black seed Oil for Hair Growth, Beautiful Skin and Health – Discovering Natural
Benefits & Side Effects Of Black Seed Oil
Dr. Vivek Joshi delves into the benefits of black seed oil by explaining the links between the nutrients found in black seed oil and the functions of the body that utilise those nutrients. He also touches on the ayurvedic benefits of black seed oil.
Doctor Vivek About Black Seed - Side Effects And Benefits. How To Use It – Dr. Vivek Joshi
Vitamins In Black Seed Oil That Offer Skin Benefits
In the American TV show The Doctors, medical professionals explore some of the vitamins found in black cumin seed oil and how they can benefit your skin and help deal with skin conditions.
Drs. Rx: Black Cumin Seed Oil for Glowing Skin? – The Doctors
Get Yourself Some Black Seed Oil
Convinced you need to try some black seed oil for yourself? There are lots of brands on the market offering black seed oil. Here are some of the ones we would recommend:
The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease, or replace the advice of a medical professional. Results are not guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.