How To Settle An Upset Stomach

How To Settle An Upset Stomach

By Panasha Desai, Pharmacist

An upset stomach can lead to a number of symptoms, from indigestion and gas to diarrhea and vomiting.

There are lots of ways to settle an upset stomach without having to go to the GP – however, for serious stomach aches or prolonged digestive issues we would recommend contacting a medical professional.

Here, we look at a few ways to help soothe various digestive issues so you can settle your upset stomach and get back to living your life.

Drink More Water Or Infused Teas

A lack of fluids can have a serious impact on your digestive system, leading to an upset stomach. When it comes to home remedies, many of them involve drinking water and infused teas. There are lots of fresh herbs and plants that help to rebalance your gut, such as ginger, basil and cloves.

Hydration is especially important if your upset stomach is leading to vomiting or diarrhea as this will be dehydrating you. Drinking small sips of water whenever you can will help you recover. Making teas using ingredients that are digestive aids will often help the process along. 

Use Silicol Gel To Flush Toxic Substances

There are many different toxins that can enter your stomach and cause issues. Some will cause mild effects like stomach discomfort, while others may cause constipation or diarrhea, as well as fatigue and general aches and pains. Silicol gel is one way of dealing with stomach issues caused by toxins.

Silicol gel is a digestive aid that can be taken either diluted or not and can help to ease the symptoms of digestive disorders. Silicol gel is made from a natural compound of silicon and oxygen. It binds to harmful and toxic substances in the gut, including pathogens – pathogens include a range of organisms that cause issues in the body, such as certain viruses and bacteria. The silicol gel is then flushed from your system, taking the harmful substances with it. Silicol gel is most effective when dealing with mild upset stomachs. 

Avoid Lying Flat (Have Upper Body Raised)

Heartburn and indigestion are common symptoms of an upset stomach. Some natural remedies, like mint tea, can help to alleviate the symptoms but one of the most useful (and lesser known) ways of minimising the discomfort is not to lie flat. 

You may notice that your heartburn or indigestion gets worse when you lie down to rest or sleep. This is because when lying completely horizontal, the acid in your stomach is freer to travel backwards or upwards, doing the opposite of settling your stomach. Try propping your head, shoulders and upper torso up a little, aiming for a 30 degree angle. This should help keep your stomach acid in place.

Take A Warm Bath

Did you know that heat can help to relax tense muscles around the stomach and ease indigestion? Taking a warm bath can be highly beneficial and offer almost immediate relief from stomach discomfort. 

If you aren't able to use a bath, applying a heating bag (such as hot water bottles, wheat bags or heat pads) to your stomach can help to ease your symptoms too. Try to keep it in place for at least twenty minutes or until it becomes cool. 

Follow A BRAT Diet

BRAT, in this instance, stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. If you are trying to settle your stomach because you are experiencing diarrhea or vomiting then these foods can really help – particularly as they contain two nutrients, magnesium and potassium, that are easily lost when experiencing stomach issues. 

All of the BRAT diet foods are starchy which means they help to bind food together and make firmer stools. These foods are also bland, in a stomach sense, and so won't cause any internal irritation that might worsen symptoms. Try consuming a little of one at a time for 24 hours to settle your stomach. You can also combine if needed, such as mashed banana or applesauce on dry toast.

Avoid Caffeine, Smoking & Drinking

If you have an upset stomach, it's best to avoid anything that might adversely affect your stomach, which includes toxins (alcohol and nicotine) or stimulants (caffeine). Aside from the potential harmful effects of all of these things, when you are trying to settle your stomach, they will be of no help in the long term.

This is especially true if you have been vomiting or experiencing stomach pains. Smoking can worsen tender stomach tissue and irritate your throat, which will be very delicate after vomiting. Alcohol is hard to digest and so may harm your gut further, impeding your healing. Caffeine will irritate stomach lining and cause cramping, which will increase the issues you have rather than offering relief from them.

What To Do If These Solutions Don't Work For You

These are just some of the ways you can try to settle an upset stomach. They won't work for everyone, since some people have to deal with allergies or have other conditions that could impact the effectiveness of these techniques. If you have a prolonged or more serious stomach issue, or aren't sure what you can do safely based on your allergies or condition, then we recommend contacting your GP for advice.


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