Summer Vitamins For Hayfever, Sunburn Relief & Natural Energy Boosts

Summer Vitamins For Hayfever, Sunburn Relief & Natural Energy Boosts

By Panasha Desai, Pharmacist (GPhC 2071387)

As part of our vitamin video collection, we are looking at the seasonal trends in vitamin needs. During the summer season, when it’s warm out, sunny long into the evening and you are partaking in all manner of high energy activities, you’ll want to make sure that you are powering your body and giving it all the support it needs to function at its best.

Here, we’ve collected some of the best summer vitamin video guides to help you stay fighting fit this summer.

Stop Hayfever And Sun Damage With Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a wonderful vitamin and while vitamin D is often the most talked about vitamin when we think of the sun, vitamin C is the yin to D’s yang. Vitamin C protects your skin from sun damage, while also helping to stave off hay fever – if you are one of the unlucky sufferers.

Protect Against Pollution & Free Radicals

Video: Your Guide to Vitamin C Skincare | Sephora

In this first video from Sephora, you can learn more about how vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which supports your skin, protecting it from pollution and free radicals from the sun. You’ll also get to know a bit more about the importance of vitamin C and where to get it.

If you want to ensure that you are getting enough of this, either because you have issues with hayfever or want to ensure your skin is protected all summer long, then vitamin C supplements could be the way to go. We recommend Viridian 100% Organic Acerola-Vit C Powder since you can stir it into a summer smoothie or juice for an on-the-go vitamin boost.

Anti-Aging & Skin Brightening

Video: VITAMIN C In Your Skincare Routine

As the Beauty Within hosts note, applying vitamin C to your skin can help to brighten your skin, smooth out wrinkles and even out skin texture. This is typically achieved with vitamin C serum, which is completely different from vitamin C as an ingredient in foods and as a supplement. You can learn more about the differences in our guide: What Is Vitamin C Serum And Why Should I Use It?

There is some debate about how effective certain vitamin C serum products are, but if you are looking to minimise your skin’s chances of sun damage, while boosting your body’s ability to heal itself, then you should look into both vitamin C as a food or supplement and a serum.

Use Vitamin E To Help With Sunburn & Dry Skin

Natural Health Remedies showcases 21 uses and benefits of vitamin E in their video, including helping with sunburn relief and dry skin, as well as hair growth, nail nourishment, chapped lips, eczema and psoriasis. Vitamin E does this by stimulating collagen production, which helps wounds to heal faster by encouraging cell renewal. Making sure that you have enough vitamin E in your body will help you deal with all of these issues.

With the intense heat of summer, your skin, hair and lips can quickly dry out, and you are more likely to get burnt. Which is where vitamin E comes in to help.

Vitamin E supplements, taken daily, can be a quick and manageable way to get your recommended daily dose throughout the summer months. We recommend Viridian Natural Vitamin E 400IU Veg Caps 30. If you have a looking to deal more immediately with sunburn or dry skin, you can look for creams and moisturisers that contain vitamin E too.

Need A Natural Energy Booster? You Need Vitamin B12

In this video from BeFIT, you’ll get to learn a lot more about how vitamin B12 helps to increase energy and how it is tied to both everyday fitness and your body’s ability to rise to the challenge of new activities during the summer months. The host also notes that even for those eating balanced diets, they aren’t necessarily getting enough B12 and so we should all be considering vitamin b12 supplements. We recommend Viridian HIGH TWELVE Vitamin B12 with B-Complex Veg Caps 30.

With the long days and warm summer weather, you’ll be more tempted to go swimming, cycling, play sports or just spend the day wandering about. Caffeine can certainly give you an immediate injection of energy but for a more natural energy boost, vitamin B12 is recommended. The more exercise that you are doing, whether low energy or high, especially i during summer (after a lazy winter), the more important your vitamin balance is.

Vitamins Support Your Body In Summer

Whatever you plan to do with your summer, going on holiday, spending time in the sunshine or taking up more outdoor activities, getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals is important. Make sure you can make the most of the summer by choosing supplements, serums and snacks that give you what you need.


The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease, or to replace the advice of a medical professional. Results are not guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.